Simtech Aviation

Pilot Training Centre of Excellence

Simtech Aviation’s state-of-the-art pilot training facilities are available for wet or dry hire. We are an internationally-renowned ATO, with aviation professionals delivering APS MCC, MCC/JOC and Type Rating training to student and professional pilots from across the world.

World class award-winning aviation training facility

Simtech Aviation is a leading European ATO, working closely with over fifteen different airlines, across three aircraft types – Boeing, Airbus and ATR. We have achieved success and a global reputation based on the quality of our instructors and simulators and a highly-specialised engineering team.

Simtech operates a fleet of fixed-base (Boeing 737-800NG & generic XJ) and full-motion (Airbus 320, ATR72-600 and ATR72-500) simulators in our purpose-built 1,860sqm facility, near Dublin Airport.

As a training provider for future Commercial Airline pilots, Simtech is an industry leader in EASA Advanced Pilot Standard APS MCC and MCC/JOC, and UK CAA APS MCC. We also conduct ATR type-ratings and offer ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ training.

The people at Simtech make the difference – we are committed to the highest standards, collaborating with our airline, pilot and ATO customers to get the best results.

Watch our video to get an inside look at our award-winning training facilities and course offerings.

For Cadets

Working with the world’s leading Airlines has proven to be invaluable when training pilots and it is the quality of Simtech’s instructors that separates them from other ATO’s. All Simtech instructors are extremely experienced Airline and Corporate Jet Pilots on many different aircraft types and hold some or all of the following credentials: MCCI; Training Captain; TRI; TRE and (formerly) ‘Chief Airline Pilot’ with their respective airlines.

Future Simtech cadets are guided along their journey by a dedicated team before, during and after their time at Simtech Aviation. As an ATO working closely with airlines, Simtech advises cadets of upcoming First Officer roles while preparing cadets for individual airline requirements.

APS MCC - Advanced Course


APS MCC - Advanced Course

This is an advanced Multi-Crew Coordination course, training pilots to operate in a multi-crew environment to the EASA and UK CAA ‘Airline Pilot Standard’.

4 days in ground school 40 hours in sim
No VAT charged on Pilot Training in Ireland View Course No VAT charged on Pilot Training in Ireland

MCC/JOC Course


MCC/JOC Course

This is an EASA approved combined Multi-Crew Cooperation and Jet Orientation course.

3 days in ground school 28 hours in sim
No VAT charged on Pilot Training in Ireland View Course No VAT charged on Pilot Training in Ireland


What our past students say

Camilla de Marche

“I want to thank all the Simtech staff and instructors for their incredible support during the MCC/JOC course. It was an amazing experience, and I deeply appreciate your dedication and expertise. Your guidance helped me reach high standards, and I’m so grateful to you for making this journey unforgettable.”

Steffan Dawe

“I can’t thank Simtech Aviation enough for providing such a high standard of training that has enabled me to fulfil my dreams of flying for TUI. After completing my MCC at Simtech Aviation I quickly began working for a small charter firm flying a light turboprop. Since then I have gained employment at TUI where I continue to use and develop the skills I gained from my time at Simtech Aviation!”

Kamal Ibrahim

“Choosing to train at Simtech was undoubtedly a defining moment in my career. Not only did I benefit from some of the best training available but I feel as though my career leapt forward with the guidance and expertise from Simtech. Having gone through the process I can’t recommend Simtech enough.”

Elliot Lamprecht

“I chose Simtech after visiting on an Open Day from ACS Aviation and knew straight away that I would choose Simtech for my UK CAA APS MCC training after the warm welcome, friendly environment, and viewing the professional facilities. I thoroughly enjoyed my APS MCC in Dublin, the highlight being the expert instruction from their highly experienced team. Spending two weeks in Dublin, with accommodation and transport organised, was a lot of fun as well as being organised efficiently by Simtech, making it easy to focus on the course. I am grateful to Simtech for making a positive difference in my training journey, and enjoy putting these skills to use at Jet2.”

Sylvain Reuze

“ Many thanks to the staff and amazing instructors at Simtech. My APS MCC training was instrumental to my success at the assessments for two European airlines. ”

Thomas Donald

“My experience at Simtech superseded any expectation I had. The facilities were exceptional and the instructors were second to none. Being able to learn from these experienced pilots and put it into practice in the state-of-the-art B737-800 simulator was really enjoyable. I learned lots during my time at Simtech and would recommend them to anyone looking to complete their APS / MCC Course. I strongly believe the skills I learned and developed at Simtech helped pave the way to a successful airline assessment and laid the foundations for a long and successful career in the industry.”

Ugo Pizzato

“Having had the possibility of completing my APS MCC course at Simtech proved to be vital for the successful outcome of my airline assessments, specifically for Wizz Air.”

The technical expertise and friendly social atmosphere that Simtech provided were exceptional and helped me glide through the course with beaming smiles and extra motivation. The intense simulator details coupled with a marvellous, highly qualified team of instructors succeeded all my expectations and I’m extremely grateful for everything that I’ve learnt and all the memories that were cherished during my brief stay in Dublin.

I would absolutely recommend Simtech for future cadets needing to complete their MCC, it’s an absolute blast!”

Nicolas Moujon

“Simtech Aviation is for me, a synonym of high standard training! The instructors were really friendly and professional. Additionally, they had lots of tips and anecdotes which brought each sim session far beyond what I expected. Also, I want to mention the very nice hospitality offered by Simtech to the students. Everything is processed to make the cadets life easier. A big thank you to the entire Simtech Aviation team. I highly recommend Simtech Aviation to everyone looking for a MCC course!”

Pétur Arnar

“My stay at Simtech was fantastic! Warm hospitality from the staff and instructors made it a top-notch experience. I left feeling inspired and prepared with practical skills. I highly recommend Simtech to anyone looking for a learning experience that will bring about positive change and enhance your knowledge.”

Simtech open day
News & Events

Open Days at Simtech Aviation

At Simtech, we always look forward to welcoming new cadets, showing them our state-of-the-art facilities and giving them the opportunity to meet with some of our highly experienced instructors and team.

If you would like to book an ‘Open Day’ with us for your Flight School cadets, please call or email us and our team would be delighted to help make arrangements for you.

pilot training recruitment

Airline Recruitment

Providing airlines with a selection of quality pilot candidates that have been trained to the highest standards.

Simtech runs MCC-JOC and APS courses for student pilots from across Europe, and is recognised by international airlines as a top European MCC provider, delivering to the highest standards with Instructors who are Captains, TRIs or TREs.

Key Numbers

fly icon

Our cadets fly for 70 different airlines

aircraft icon

Our cadets fly 28 different aircraft

Reliability icon

Simulator attained reliability of 99%

Latest Insights

Pilot Training Insights from Captain Frank Condon

We interview Captain Frank Condon - Simtech Aviation's Deputy Head of Training who has a wealth of pilot and instructor experience having flown with ASL/DHL, Aer Lingus, the Irish Aer Corps as well as being an instructor for over 40 years.

Contact Us

Kestrel House,
Dublin Airport Logistics Park,
St Margaret’s Road,
Co. Dublin,
K67 V124,
[email protected] +353 1 844 8073