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ATR 42/72 600 Instructors Rating (TRI/SFI)

The TRI/SFI course aims to provide the comprehensive training and assessment to the candidate Instructors that is required in order to issue a TRI or SFI certificate (Simulator restricted) in accordance with EASA regulations.

The course is split into three parts. Parts 2 & 3 are designed for two Trainee Instructors

Part 1 : Teaching & Learning Instruction
25 Hours Training completed over 4 days
Note: Trainees holding or having held an instructor certificate will be fully credited in respect of Part 1

Part 2 : Technical Theoretical Knowledge Instruction
3 Days Training which includes EASA regulation, full system review, technical briefings, Instructor UPRT and some elements of Teaching & Learning Instruction

Part 3 : Flight Instruction
Completed over 4 Days

Days 1 to 3 (10 Hours) will consist of Full Flight Simulator (FFS) Sessions with an Assessment of Competence conducted on Day 4 (4 Hours)

Pre-Entry Requirements


An applicant for the issue of a TRI certificate shall:

An applicant for the issue of a SFI certificate shall:

For an SFI(A) for multi-pilot aeroplanes have:

Applicants Must

Make an Enquiry